I recently received this eBay Seller Success Story from Lori McAulliffe of Rocket City Sales:
Greetings Suzanne – As you know my husband, Thomas McAulliffe and I have been an eBay PowerSeller for over 10 years now. I had to share this great sold story with you because it was inspired by you!
I often recall your FeedBlitz and eBay Selling Coach stories of finding no longer manufactured products and reselling for a nice profit. Through you I have learned there are people out there who still want to use these items and will pay for it.
My story started when I was spring cleaning inside my home and ran across several unopened boxes of Old Spice Cool Contact Wipes. I purchased these boxes several years ago on clearance at Target during my Extreme Coupon Queen days. Believe I paid $1 or less per box. My husband used them for a while, and then discovered they made him break out. So the unused boxes have been sitting in the closet for quite a while. I was almost about to throw them in the trash when all of a sudden it hit me – eBay – better check before I toss.
So as any avid eBay Seller knows the potential advantage of finding such a niche product is to research before you list. After researching closed listings, I found the average selling price to be approx $15-$19; with a sell thru rate at 100%. Oh me oh my – I did a happy dance. Needless to say I saved them from the trash and listed them on eBay. Here is a completed listing:

One of the buyers was soooo excited about their purchase, this is the feedback they left (click to enlarge):

So far we have sold 3 of the 6 boxes at $19.99 each. Now if only every item we sold on eBay would be this profitable!
Thanks Suzanne for being a great source of inspiration,
Lori McAulliffe
Do you have a great sale or an interesting eBay item to share? Send your find to eBaycoach@yahoo.com for consideration.
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