Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Learn What to Sell on eBay Fast - Cliffs Notes for eBay!

Remember Cliffs Notes from high school? Those study guides written to help you learn quicker, "ease homework headaches," and help you score higher on tests? Well, I have developed something along those lines for eBay sellers to help you study and quickly learn "what to sell" by recognition.

These study guides are designed to help you learn to source products faster and learn by recognition, rather than trying to memorize a list of brand names, logos, or types of high profit items. Sharpen your sourcing skills by studying printed materials in addition to watching videos.

These lists are a valuable resource because they are:

  • Printable! Print out and make your own study notebook to refer to whenever you want.
  • Updated frequently so you are continually getting new information to enhance your sourcing efforts.
  • Alphabetized for easy reference. Organization is they key to effective learning!
  • Created by product category such as clothing, kitchen items, baby items, office supplies - organized the same way a thrift store has departments.
  • Clothing brands are not usually faked. You know me, I stay away from problematic products that can get you into trouble on eBay.

Here is a sample of the format of the study guides. Columns in the charts include:
  • An image of the item, clothing label, or logo
  • Best case pricing scenario
  • Reasonable price point
  • Specific criteria to help you choose the most profitable items
  • Other notes - anything else I can think of to help you make better buying decisions

2 study guides are ready now - women's clothing and discontinued items. The information in these study guides WILL help you make more money on eBay. You don't know what you don't know! And I guarantee you are walking past things in a thrift store that you can sell for good money, you just aren't aware of it. (Hey it happens to everyone, even me!)

These are available in the Premium Content Library. So come on over and sign up so you can have access to this fantastic new learning tool. eBay is NOT dead, there is unlimited money to be made. This stuff is just sitting in thrift stores waiting for you!