Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Drive Traffic to Your eBay Store - FREE

This is a popular question, "How do I get more traffic to my eBay store?" Here are some free techniques I use to drive traffic to my listings.

I try to list new items every day (or most days), in different categories. Offering a variety of items helps you appeal to a larger group of potential buyers. For example, if you have 8 pairs of Levis jeans in a size 10, don't list them all on the same day. Stagger your listings and mix things up. You don't want to compete with yourself by listing 10 of the same item. You've got enough competition on eBay.

Use your store link in your signature on every email you send to every single person, period. It can be to your child's teacher, your aunt, or someone from an online group. People will click on your link and check you out. (Don't send spam emails soliciting people to visit your store. Just include your link in what you normally do. Spam is a surefire way to turn people off.)

Use your store name in feedback you leave for others. Some sellers don't feel comfortable doing this. But, it is the same as your business name printed on a receipt or on a business card on a bulletin board. It is another way to get your store name in front of people. When other buyers or sellers are viewing your customers' feedback pages, they will see your store name and may click over to see what you sell.

Get on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Yahoo Groups, and other social networking sites. Participate in groups on these sites. Join groups that have nothing to do with eBay selling, but that relate to your product line. For example, if you sell baby products, join mom's groups, parenting groups, etc. If you sell books, join reading clubs or book discussion groups. If you sell cooking products, join cooking groups. You'll still want to participate in eBay focused groups for selling support, but you need to expose yourself and your store to other groups as well.

Write articles that relate to your product line for article repository sites . You can write articles for eHow, Suite 101, eZine, Associated Content, and Bukisa. For example, if you sell motorcycle helmets, write articles about motorcycle safety, motorcycle collectibles, and great places to ride.

Submit your store items to Google Store Connector.

Leave comments on blogs that deal with the type of items you sell. For example, if you sell computer parts, visit blogs that talk about computers, software, hardware, and technology. (You can find blogs to comment on at Technorati.) Leave comments and use your eBay store as your URL.

This option isn't free, but really inexpensive. Give out business cards to your friends, neighbors, church friends, family, and include them in your orders. Ask others to pass them around for you. Leave your cards around at doctor's offices, in dressing rooms, on public bulletin boards, in grocery carts. Include your name, store name, email, and eBay ID. I get my business cards from Vista Print. Many small business owners use Vista Print for business cards as they are affordable, easy to create online, and shipped quickly. Right now Vista Print is having a 90% off special - 500 business cards for $1.99 plus shipping (about $6 for the least expensive option). Click here to take advantage of this offer quickly as it will end soon.

Check your store traffic reports to determine which of these methods works best for you. Concentrate on the methods that bring you the most traffic.

Happy Selling!


Jodi said...

More great tips Suzanne. I look forward to your posts!

Jodi H.
Heavenly Discount Warehouse

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the great work you is a help. I love sharing your ideas with my husband, who then encourages me to do as you suggest!