I have a good time discussing eBay Best Offers (and worst offers) with other sellers. Sometimes the offer is so low it just makes you laugh. Here is the craziest eBay offer I have ever received. (This same seller offered me a Toyota car fender for the item last week.)
“Hello .... I am an inventor
I am doing marketing research on a paint by numbers related product.
I need some examples of pbn artword for this research.
My offer to buy your painting is based on the USEFULNESS of that
artwork in the R and D program NOT on art market value or quality.
I am an inventor involved in product development and marketing
NOT an art collector or speculator.
OFFER EXPLANATION .... My offer to buy is based on a shipping
allowance + artwork allowance = total offer. EXAMPLE ....
$8 shipping + $10 artwork = $18 total offer. I you decide to accept
my offer PLEASE remove the artwork from the frame if included
in order to MINIMIZE shipping costs and MAXIMIZE your profit.
At the conclusion of this project I intend to have a CLEARANCE
SALE on Ebay to make room for the next project .... Artwork will
be priced about what I paid for it for quick sale .... you may be able
to buy it back for the price you sold it or less.
PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR DATA BASE .... If you decline my
offer but can't sell your artwork PLEASE send me an Email at
.... boggild@zoomtown.com ....
THANK YOU for your time and consideration.”
All I can really say to this is, “Thank you for letting me keep my frame as a bonus!”
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LOL @ The keeping the frame as a bonus. And at buying back the piece you are trying to sell.
All I have to say is: "OH MY"
I had someone interested in a 1943 Speigel catalog a while ago. He said he collected vintage Boliva watches and wanted me to take pictures of the pages in the catalog because he couldn't afford the $25 to spend on it. Would I be kind enough to do that for him and them email the pictures to him?
I didn't even reply to that one. Seriously? You collect vintage watches that probably cost in the $100s and you can't pay $25 for this catalog? Riiiiightttt.
All I can really say is that at least he/she was nice and polite about it, (albeit a bit out of this world if you ask me).
what the heck was that!
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