eHow = $506.87
Examiner = $331.79
Clickbank = $330.16
Commission Junction = $260.63
My own eBooks = $155
Google Adsense = $130.22
Swagbucks = $62
Total: $1,776.67
1) Ehow. I finally broke the $500 mark on eHow. The key here is to do the keyword research before writing your articles. It is all about quality, not quantity. Click here to see my articles and you will notice that I only submit about 10 a month, and each takes about 15 minutes to write and submit. My earnings were $506 for about 2 and 1/2 hours worth of work in November. Click here to get started on eHow, or if you are already writing for them, how to increase your earnings.
2) The Examiner. $331 for November. Most of this is sum is from referrals. You can make $50 per referral to this site. Click here for instructions on how.
3) Clickbank, $324.84. I promote these products in a variety of ways including here on my blog, on Facebook, Twitter, on my eHow articles (in the resources section), and in my groups and forums. Click here to get a free eBook and learn how to get started on Clickbank.
4) Commission Junction, $260.63. Commission Junction pays you commissions based on leads, clicks, and sales according to what the advertisers pay. It is free to join. Click here to find out more about making money with Commission Junction.
5) My own eBooks, $155. I write them, you can too. Click here for information on how to write your own eBook to sell online. You can even add it to Amazon's Kindle and reach millions of people. Click here for the steps to get your eBook on Kindle.
6) Google Adsense, $130. This is on my blog. Get paid by Google for allowing them to place relevant ads on your blog or website. Totally passive income. Click here to learn more about Google AdSense.
6) Swagbucks. $75 in Starbucks gift cards I sold on eBay for $62 - practically zero effort. Click here to find out how to use Swagbucks.
So there you go. Just shy of $1,800 earned online, at home, from my chair and couch. Nothing to ship. No customers to worry about. Diversify and try some of these income opportunities. I am living proof that it can be done!
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Absolutely amazing! I truly admirer you for your hard work and dedication.....I really want to be just like you. Great month and I hope you continue to post your earnings, this motivates me more. Merry Christmas! I have been thinking about selling on ebay, I just have too many things going: ehow, hubpages, websites, blogs etc. Thank-you so much!
thanks for posting this motivational info! I'm just beginning with all of this...but i've definitely learned a lot!
shannon (from FB)
I'm jealous :)
Thanks so much for the ideas on ehow. I signed up a long time ago but never did anything with it. I just did my first article today & it was super easy and lots of fun.
Very excellent blogging.
What do you think about Suite101 as an income source?
Hi, Sandy, I have heard others are having success with Suite 101. I have not tried it yet. I wish I had time to write on every site that pays for articles - it just isn't possible.
Hi! I just applied to be an Examiner and I used your name as a referral. I hope you get the credit. :) (And I hope I get accepted!)
Thank you (as always!!) for sharing Suzanne. You truly touch so many lives. Love ya!!!
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