This post has two great things for you! The BOLO (be on look out) list is ready. This list contains over 200 brand names and types of items you can find at thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, and flea markets. Keep this handy list with you when you are out shopping for things to resell on eBay and get familiar with the items so that you can spot them quickly.Thanks to all the members of the eBay SAHMs Group who contributed to this, and to Shannon of The Recycle-ista for putting it together for us. Click here to download your FREE copy!
It is giveaway time again! I have 3 $15 iTunes gift cards to give away to one winner. Not an iTunes fan? You can always sell these on eBay. They sell for 95-100% of the face value. To enter, just leave a comment below. For extra entries (and a better chance of winning), do any of the following:
Post a link to this giveaway on:
Your own blog
Your Facebook page
A Facebook group’s wall
A group or forum
Your MySpace page
Bulk email your friends in your email address book
You can use the share button below to quickly share this giveaway. Be sure to leave a comment for each “extra” that you do. Good luck!

Wow - cool, thanks! Just got an iPod Touch for Christmas and looking to set it up with some tunes. Yeah, I know it's May. I'm a little slow...
I'd love to win, iTunes is awesome!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I shared the giveaway on Twitter:
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I shared the giveaway on Stumble Upon (slnet1)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
i love itunes! awsome giveaway! thanks for the chance :)
Thanks for the giveaway - and your great blog. One of my regular reads.
I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.
I shared this on Twitter.
I shared this on Facebook.
Thank you Suzanne for all that you do!! I posted this link on my Facebook page.
I love iTunes! Would love to be included in this giveaway. Thank you :)
jvan1978 @ gmail.com
Shared on facebook. My username is Sweep Tight.
Thank you!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/SweepTight/status/13784809889 :)
I stumbled it.
I am also looking forward to reading the BOLO list. Thanks again! :)
Wow! I have the first comment! Great giveaway...thanks for the chance to enter!
I truly enjoy your blog. I use to sell on ebay but had stopped over a year ago. I have been reading your blog for months now and with your encouragement I have started back selling on ebay. Thanks for all the encouragement that you give!
GadgetLady loves iTunes!
Yippee! I love itunes!
I'm a huge fan. I'm just getting into selling things on eBay, but I'm learning a lot through your website. Thanks!
I shared this giveaway on Facebook
I twittered this!
I love itunes!
Great giveaway!
I blogged it!
Thank you so much for the BOLO list!! You guys are the best! Suzanne, without all your free help (plus an eBook I bought from you) I wouldn't be making half the money I'm making on eBay. So thanks again from my entire family!
I love LOVE reading your blog every time you update it! You've helped me out tremendously on what to look for in thrift stores to resell. Keep up the good work! :)
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I look forward to your email every day!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Thanks, this would be great!
Thanks, this would be great!
Love, love, love iTunes and this blog.
Shared this on Facebook. My user name is Mary West Sunkes.
marsun57(at)earthlink (dot) net
I Tweeted this. Thanks!
I'd love to win this for my husband. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
Would be great to win...I "need" some games & ringtones for my phone!
Penny G
Hi, I would love to win this for my 15 year old! That much less I have to spend on itunes.
Thanks, Melanie Partin
I posted this giveaway to my Facebook page!
Thanks, Melanie Partin
Awesome, we can always put these to good use!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Thanks for the giveaway, Suzanne!! This would come in very handy as I buy tv show episodes for my ipod Touch to keep her occupied while I go thrifting!!
Just tweeted: http://twitter.com/walkwithme/status/13811011900
Posted on my blog! http://www.frugalwifeblog.com/2010/05/great-giveaways-to-enter.html
I just stumbled it: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/windersnest/
Hi Suzanne, I appreciate all your blogs & hard work. I recently purchased your new Hot List of discontinued items & they are paying off quite nicely on eBay. I also appreciate this new list. Thank you again for sharing your information. I enjoy following you on all your blogs & articles. Ari
I'd love to be entered into this drawing. Thanks!
Also on my Facebook Page!
Tweet! Tweet!!
Thank you for offering this great prize and fun contest!
Noted on my blog, too!
Id love to win as well! Got to love free music for my iPod!
I would love to win
shel704 at aol dot com
I just got an ipod nano and could use some new music...great giveaway, thank you!
shel704 at aol dot com
Thank you for the great giveaway, my niece would love this!
mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com
Shared on twitter: http://twitter.com/henglish/status/13844766498
We kids owning Ipod we love itunes, please enter my name is open to Canadians :)
Dugg: http://digg.com/users/henglish
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
This would be a great gift for hubby. rbjj32825[at]lycos[dot]com
I tweeted this giveaway!
Would love to win these for our family!
iTunes cards are ALWAYS welcome additions in our home!
Thanks for the great list and the awesome giveaway!!! :)
kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com
Thank you!
Hi, Suzanne:
I'm a big fan of your eBay tips, follow you on Twitter as well. So will tweet this giveaway there as well.
An iTunes gift card would be awesome.
Great giveaway!
I hope I'm not too late, my girls would love to win this. Thanks!
I just Tweeted about this giveaway here: http://twitter.com/katygmorris/status/13873364462
Thanks!!! :)
kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot co
I Stumbled this post as katygmorris on StumbleUpon.
Thanks!!! :)
kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com
I tweeted the giveaway on my blog. Would love to WIN the iTunes gift card, great giveaway.
Thanxs alot, Suzanne.
p.s. Always look forward to your articles.
I would love a giftcard!!! I haven't posted before but I LOVE reading this blog! It's so helpful!! Thank you!! :-)
Thanks Suzanne! You are always on the lookout for us. :-) BTW... my daughter loves ITunes. Thanks again ;) ~ Maribell
Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to win this gift card. I just got a new iphone, so could definitely use it.
jennycollins1034 at yahoo dot com
Oh Id love to win this itunes card!!!
Thanks for all you do!
thanks Suzanne for all you do. your blog is amazing. i check it daily. thank you for the give away
thanks Suzanne for all the work you do. your Blog is amazing, and I follow it daily. thanks also for the give away.
I'd love to win. Fingers crossed :)
Twitted about this giveaway :).
My husband got an iPod touch for Christmas, that he was too cheap to buy himself, and now that he has it, he won't spend the $$$ on downloads either.
I would love to win this for him.
I'd love to win this, thank you!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
This would be great to win. Thanks for the chance. Love seeing your blog updates pop up in my google reader.
Great giveaway! Thanks!
misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net
I made a Twitter post about your giveaway.
amandamoak at yahoo
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