Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Giveaway: $50 WalMart Gift Cards & New Hot List Just Released

This post is a two-parter. Part 1: I am celebrating 6 years as an eBay seller this month. I'm sharing my success with two lucky winners who will each receive a $50 Walmart Gift Card! To enter, just leave a comment below. For extra entries do any of the following:

Subscribe to my blog
Follow my blog
Post on your blog
Post on Twitter
Post on Facebook
Post on MySpace
Post on a forum or group
Stumble this post
Digg this post

Be sure to leave a comment for each extra that you do. Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win! Contest closes on March 27, 2008. Good luck!

Part 2 - The new Hot List is now available. 15 items that have been good sellers on eBay within the last 30 days. Issue 7 of the eBay Coach Hot List report contains the following:

3 Discontinued Hair Care Items

6 Discontinued Beauty Items

2 Summer Items

1 Skin Care Item

1 OTC Medicine

1 Food Item

1 Clothing Item

My Hot List explains exactly where to find these items, the retail price, the average selling price on eBay, and links to completed listings. Hot List is $9.95 and is a digital download. Option to get it free when completing a Trial Pay offer. Click here to get your copy of the latest Hot List.

Happy Selling,


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Zaankali said...

How fun!

alexis said...

Happy 6 years!

lexbyam AT gmail DOT com

alexis said...

I'm a feed subscriber!

lexbyam AT gmail DOT com

Mark said...

Congrats on 6 years!

CouponCraze Mom said...

Congrats on 6 years, I am a subsriber!! rkcombs4@yahoo.com

Steph said...

Ebay has been a great money-maker for our family! Thanks for a blog like this!


Life with the Crowls said...

i really enjoy your blog thanks

Steph said...

Following you now.

Unknown said...

Congrats on six years!!!

Unknown said...

I shared on FB.

Steph said...

Just posted your giveaway on my blog!


The Need 2 Read said...

Wow! Six years...gotta love ebay! Congratulations! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

Steph said...

Posted on Twitter. (id--ms0812)

Angie said...

Congrats!! I "follow" you. :)

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog yesterday and LOVE it! I am an avid eBayer myself to earn extra money while going through college. I've been selling for about 4 years now.

I just subscribed to your email feed.
And I posted the giveaway on my blog (http://realsimplesavingmethods.blogspot.com).

Thanks! =]

All About Jess said...

Way to go on 6 years!! Thanks for all you do to help us out :)
I'll make sure to post to facebook, twitter and myspace!

minishoes said...

I would love to win this! thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Way to go! 6 years..


nicki72182 said...

Congratulations on 6 years. That's awesome! I would love a chance to win a Walmart giftcard. Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 years!

Lara said...

You always make us all smile! Happy ebay birthday to you!

Jennifer Wilson said...

Happy six years! I hit 10 in December, but I'm not nearly as good with the stuff in stores as you are!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I am subscribed to your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your six years of success. I subscribed to your blog also.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on six years of success! I also subscribed to your blog.


Unknown said...

Congrats on 6 years!

Anonymous said...

great info.

wabbit1964 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe

wabbit1964 at yahoo dot com

dawn said...

Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise with others, it is a great gift! Congratulations on 6 years.

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 years!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have another successful 6 years, and then some!


JScoppa said...

Just posted it on my Twitter and Facebook! Here is my facebook post...
"Jerry isn't a rocket scientist...he just plays one on TV. When I am looking for an extra boost for eBay, I check this out!"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your great info! email is nreyes2@hotmail.com

Christina said...

Congrats on 6 years! I've learned a lot from you and love the blog!

Christina said...

I stumbled this post.

Christina said...

I tweeted this post. (profile is ncheapskate, same as stumbleupon id)

Christina said...

I also shared this on Facebook!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your milestone..thanks for having the giveaway.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm subscribed via email.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm following your blog

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I tweeted:

shel704 at aol dot com

Early BIrd said...

Congratulations on 6 years!!

mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com

Early BIrd said...

I am a subscriber.

mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Facebooked your giveaway (Michelle Hudak)

shel704 at aol dot com

KrisP said...

I'm a lover of Wal-Mart, Ebay, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, anything techie! Happy 6th on Ebay!

Unknown said...

Submitted to Digg:

shel704 at aol dot com

Losito said...

Congrats on 6 years of selling!

Losito said...

I am a subscriber!

Losito said...

I am a follower!

Losito said...

Posted to my blog:


Losito said...

I tweeted it:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the give !

Anonymous said...

I'm already a subscriber - love your site.

please check mine out ! I'm trying to build subscribers -

Losito said...

Posted on FaceBook too!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted http://twitter.com/jtrophy/status/1345378112


KrisP said...

Did the following:

Subscribed to your blog
Followed your blog
Posted on my blog
Posted on my Twitter
Posted on my Facebook
Posted on my MySpace

Kris Plotner aka PinkMonkeyReading

Michelle said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway! :D

Michelle in Ca

Anonymous said...

congratulations! i subscribe to your email list. thanks for all the tips! sprice@vnet.net

Anonymous said...

thanks! on facebook! would love to win one of the gift cards! sprice@vnet.net

Michelle said...

I Dugg! mmterronez(at)gmail.com

Michelle said...

I Tweeted! mmterronez(at)gmail.com

Michelle said...

I shared on Facebook! mmterronez(at)gmail.com

Jen said...

This would really come in handy right now.

Jen said...

I subscribe!

techyone said...

congrats on six years, that's awesome

Smith247 said...

Congrats on 6 Years!
Your books and Podcasts have been really helpful to me.

Smith247 said...

Congrats on 6 Years!
Your books and Podcasts have been really helpful to me.

Heather said...

wow, 6 years!

augustgirl01 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Heather said...

also, I subscribe. Love the igoogle page!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great tips! Laurie

Suzanne said...

Please enter me in the contest~


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips!!

Saph said...

Happy anniversary! :)
Would love the $50 gift card! :)

Saph said...

Just tweeted!

Saph said...

already subscribed- but with a different email than my blogger account.

Cheryl said...

Six years, wonderful. I started on ebay in the late 90's but haven't been consistently on it due to many life changes. Thanks for being consistant and using your experiences to help us.

Thanks for the Blog candy.

I subscribe.

June said...

happy 6 years! I love your blog!

Posted on my blog.

June said...

Stumbled it!

June said...

Posted on myspace and Facebook.

June said...

Subscribed to your blog

Karen said...

I LOVE your blog, very helpful! Thanks,


Karen said...

I just sigend up to follow


Karen said...

I'm going to post the link on Facebook too


Karen said...

now I'm going to sign up to subscribe!


Anonymous said...

I posted to my Facebook!


Carolyn G said...

Congrats!! And thanks for the great giveaway

Carolyn G said...

I subscribe

Anonymous said...

Thanks Coach for the advice,
the tips, the prices... the lists, the links, the surprises!

Congratulations on six years of your success, more than superb, above the rest!

May Irish wit... bring Walmart profit,
on this St. Patrick's Day!


Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Congrats on the 6 years......very cool!

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

In fact, I am a follower....

Anonymous said...

been following your posts on twitter, great job and congrats on the 6 years

Debie Napoleon said...

Wow, Six years - way to go. I already follow you on twitter!


Promises to Keep said...


Anonymous said...

I subscribed


Anonymous said...

I stumbled!

Beth said...

I'm a subscriber!

Beth said...

Congratulations on 6 years- and THANK YOU for being willing to share what you have gained from those six years with those of us who are just beginning... :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your success and than you for all you do! You are a blessing!


Anonymous said...

Congradulations on 6 years! :)

DawnS said...

Wow six years - that's so great. I'm just getting started myself so would love to win!

Anonymous said...

congrats on 6 years. thanks for the giveaway!

onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

DawnS said...

Following! dspeese@bellsouth.net

Anonymous said...

I subscribe too!

onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

kashkang said...

Congrats on 6 years! I love all the info you put out!

Paula said...

Happy 6 years! Please enter me.

Lisa H said...

congrats on 6 years, I love ebay! lisaheath1@hotmail.com

dbadour said...

Great giveaway.

dbadour said...

I am subscribed via email.

Anonymous said...

Nice giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks for your work!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted you on twitter. In fact that's where i found you and i'm so glad i did! also subscribe to your blog! Congrats on 6 years! And MANY more!

Ginny said...

Congrats on 6 years. For how knowledgeable you are, I would have thought it longer! Good for you :)

Ginny said...

Tweeted ~ http://twitter.com/momof2dancers/status/1347822340

Unknown said...

Congrats on six successful years. I find your blog most informative and very helpful.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Suzanne. I know you have been an inspiration to many moms out here. I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your assistance and encouragement suzanne!!

Krista said...

Congratulations on a successful 6 years! I love your blog! Krista

PS - I subscribe to your blog too!

mertec said...

Just starting to Ebay & your site is a terrific help. THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW 6 years! Good for you!!

Huguette En said...

Happy Anniversary :)

shaka said...

Aww congrats!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Happy 6 years! I've been following you on Twitter, love your updates.

Mrs. P said...

I subscribed to your blog. Shawn (broadsracing@yahoo.com) Thank you for providing such great information!

Mrs. P said...

I am a newbie and you really inspire me! Thank you! Shawn (broadsracing@yahoo.com)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on successful 6 years!


Kim said...

love to win this!

Kim said...

tweeted this (kgail11)

Unknown said...

Congrats, six years is great!

LV said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

lindsmoore55 [at] yahoo [dot] com

LV said...

I subscribe via bloglines!

Tamara B. said...

Happy 6 years! Thank-you for the giveaway.

Tamara B. said...

I am a email subscriber.

Tamara B. said...

I am a follower.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your blog..

Victoria said...

Congrats on 6 years! That's impressive! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Victoria said...

I follow now! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Victoria said...

I'm a subscriber. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Cav5Mom said...

Happy 6 years!

silverhartgirl said...

wow 6 years

MookieJ said...

Big congrats on 6 years! Thanks for the great giveaway!

MookieJ said...

I subscribe!

MookieJ said...

I posted on my forum :)

MookieJ said...

I stumbled (LoveGiveaways)

MookieJ said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/Janine_Giveaway/status/1349511954

Anonymous said...


heyhazelhazel said...

Cool! Grats on your 6 years =D

Diane said...

Thanks for the sweepstakes!

dianemarieoregon AT gmail DOT com

Diane said...

tweet ;o) dianemarie63

dianemarieoregon AT gmail DOT com

Stephanie said...

I would love to win this.
profplante at hotmail dot com

Marla said...

Happy 6-year anniversary. thank you for the entry.


Marla said...

I subscriber via email. Thanks!


Marla said...

I am also a follower of your blog. Thanks!


Dana said...


Lolly said...

Wow, this is so generous. Please count me in for the giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed in Virginia,


Dorinda said...

That would be wonderful! Happy 6 years!

Anonymous said...

Another great giveaway - count me in!

Penny G
frugalberrygirl at yahoo dot com

The Saggau House said...

WooHoo! I've been waiting for the new hotlist. Thanks so much! :)

The Saggau House said...

I just posted a link to my facebook page! :)

The Saggau House said...

Yay! I just subscribed to your blog. Your the very first blog I've ever subscribed to. :)

The Saggau House said...

I am now following your blog! :)

The Saggau House said...

Oops! I forgot to give you my email address. lol!


:) Thanks for doing this!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I'm planning on jumping in to Ebay selling. Would LOVE to win this!


Leah said...

I would love to win this!!


Leah said...

I am a subscriber :)


Elizabeth Simpson said...

Thanks for the opportunity! elizabeth at abpm dot com

Elizabeth Simpson said...

I'm a happy subscriber! elizabeth at abpm dot com

Elizabeth Simpson said...

I follow your blog! elizabeth at abpm dot com

Heather said...

Great giveaway!

Heather said...

I Tweeted!~ (heathermama)

Heather said...

I follow

Dorinda said...

Put a link on my blog:


Anonymous said...

I would love to win!!
hewasher at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...



Heather said...

how fun! I would love to win this


Mary A. said...

Congrats on your 6 years.

Mary A. said...

I'm a subscriber


Mary A. said...

I am a follower


Mary A. said...

I posted it on my blog @


Mary A. said...

I twittered about it (marylynnA)


Our Family said...

Awesome giveaway and CONGRATS!!! I LOVE EBAY :)


Lucy said...

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

Now an official subscriber!

Anonymous said...

Shared your blog with some friends who are newbie frugalistas.

Anonymous said...

6 years is quite an accomplishment! thanks for sharing your joy!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber!

SpiveyTales said...

Awesome! Congrats to you too.
mel_whoop99 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Happy 6th eBay anniversary!

Jeanette said...

What a great giveaway!

Marie said...

Congratulations! And many more years to come!


-K said...

Congrats! Ebay is a wonderful thing.... So glad I found your blog!

owningourmoney at yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting this. We love shopping at Wal-Mart! :-)

Sara said...

Congrats on celebrating 6 years as a seller! I have to give you props cause that is impressive! I can't seem to have any luck with selling, must be doing something wrong... Well Thank you for entering me. I am a follower of your blog (marriedrosesatgmaildotcom)

Sara said...

I tweeted about this contest!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 6 years as an eBay seller!
pkildow at gmail dot com

PsychMamma said...

I Stumbled!

PsychMamma said...



Kelly said...

Thanks for the giveaway...Would love to win!

ksizemore at burke.k12.nc.us

shaunjoy said...

Yes, congrats on six years! Wishing you many more years of success. :)

Robin M. said...

Thanks for the info :)

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