I get this question about three times a week. Someone finds a listing for "well worn socks" or "used socks." You'll find the same for ladies shoes. People, this is not something you want to do.
These listings are for the foot fetish people out there - all part of their little sexual fantasy world. Sellers set up listings showing a woman (or man) wearing a pair of socks or high heels, and there are creeps out there who buy them. The idea is that these items are used and smelly. Some of these listings go for over $50. But, remember, this person will have your email, and your shipping address. If you are struggling for money, there are better ways.
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Suzanne I am so glad that you posted this info. Stalking from someone like this DOES happen!
When I lived in Texas, I had a man come and buy several articles of clothing from me...including shoes. He had our phone number from the ad that we had placed in the newspaper. For several months afterward, I received "naughty" phone calls, that became quite annoying. Because of my connections to the law enforcement community, I was too embarrassed to make a report and also knew that I had no hard evidence that it was this one person calling (it was way before caller ID was available).
Eventually, through connections and covert investigations (lol), I was able to obtain this person's personal info and place of employment. He WORKED for the telephone company!!!
The next time that he called. I told him in no uncertain terms that I knew exactly who he was and that I would be more than happy to file a direct complaint with his employer...SWBell. The phone calls stopped immediately.
I am not making judgement on the people who have these auctions, but I do second your opinion of this being unsafe and that there are better ways of making money.
Again, thanks so much for posting this info!
I know that this kind of sales market is not a real safe one to deal with. You really do put yourself at risk when giving your information out to the folks who buy this used stuff.
But..you put yourself at risk when you sell online to anyone, for any sales market, even the ones you think are emotionally stable!
That being said, the people who purchase this kind of clothing are usually harmless, and they are hooked on the clothing articles, and not on the person. They have attachment problems, and intimacy problems, so you wouldn't necessarily run into stalkers here.
(I'm a psch RN what do I know?lol!)
I am also an ex ebay seller, and a member of a group that shares their yardsale "finds" and success at listing on ebay and other sites.
One of the funniest topics we would talk about were these "sales". Some of them were so funny, we would begin our sentences, or use the term "well worn" whenever we were having a joke fest!The listings would then be linked for all of us to see and comment on, and we would laugh even more! Sometimes you need a good laugh! I'm not judging the sellers or buyers of this element nor having a laugh at their expense, but some of the wording or the photos are just so funny, I can't help but laugh!
It's what makes ebay so unique, is that you can find the most unusual things going on. There are other areas of ebay that are similar!
A few others that we found entertaining were what we called "reflecto-porn" when the seller would take a photo of something shiny or near a reflective source such as glass or mirror, and anyone could see the suggestion that the person was not wearing clothing when snapping the photograph!
Now, you have to just take it with a grain of salt, it's not a big deal really, but gee..."only on ebay" is the thought that pops into my head! If it doesn't hurt anyone, and it entertains, and it does not attract criminal activity, I can't see the harm in it, and I CAN see the "entertainment factor" as actually, one of the few things on ebay that make it so cute and funny at times.
These days, ebay policies have made ebay NOT fun any more, so if there is anything left of it's human-ness, this can certainly be one ebay "constant" that never fails to get people giggling!
Another search you might want to try is for rubber clothing, or just use the word rubber or vinyl in the clothing category search.OMG, it's hysterical!!
If you've been on ebay for many years, as I have, you've just about seen it all. My favorite laugh on ebay was the sale of a Barbie and friends scenario called "ebay barbie". It was so funny that I think I must have mailed it to every seller I ever knew, and it still never fails to get me chuckling! I only wish ebay were still as fun as that seller once depicted!
That was the ebay I once loved and enjoyed selling on!
Double yuck ...
That people buy them and that people sell them!
I can understand why some people would get a "thrill" in owing the exotic dancer shoes - imagine the stories guys could make up. But why would anyone want smelly gym socks or zebra slippers?? It's a strange, strange world.
I have sold well-worn shoes on eBay, and I plan to again. (A pair of $0.99 flip flops I wore for 2 years, and sold for $10. To me, that was a heckuva money maker!)
The account is made under an alias (don't make enough for taxes), I use a PO Box, and an internet telephone number.
There is no way to connect me to the listings.
But really, the communication I got was very mild. These guys weren't horrible perverts, they simply have an "interest" that isn't well-received. In the overall scheme of things, it's pretty harmless.
I did have an offer from a buyer to pay for custom worn socks, and I seriously considered it.
This is just gross. I notice the only person in favor of it has remained anonymous. Get out of the gutter and find a respectable way to earn $10!
Why do you even care if others choose to sell and buy these items? I think it is tacky, but I also think these people can buy or sell whatever they feel comfortable with. And if no laws are being broken, then perhaps you all should find another band wagon to hop on.
Hi, Susanna, thanks for visiting. First of all, I blogged about this because I constantly get questions about this subject. Secondly, I am entitled to my opinion, and let's face it, this is my blog so I can say what I like. Third, I am not on a "bandwagon" - my purpose is to inform and educate readers. I am an individual like you, and have a right to my opinion.
I guess I would really not care what someone does to my used socks and shoes once I am done with them. $20+ for wearing a pair of Dollar Store socks for a few day...I would take it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. As bad as the economy is and the fact it is not the fault of most people not being able to find work I would suppose some people care more about putting food on the table for their kids.
As far as that goes selling used leotards would be more likely to attract the real perverts(pedophiles). Think about it and the pictures in those listings.
Oh this is kind of along the lines of what ocdgirl2000 was saying. I had a disgruntled eBay buyer get upset about something that was sold to them. It was an innocent item like a girl's piece of clothing and soon after their Internet abuse started so did cards and letters from 'another woman' begin arriving at my house. Somebody just being malicious.So there are nut-jobs out there no matter what you sell.
It is true about people with fetishes being harmless too. Fetish's can be separate from sexual perversions and in most cases usually are. I am also a retired medical professional. Not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's opinions here....I do believe that a person selling items like that should keep their personal information private just in case they did get a stalker.
I would never buy anything well worn..lol.
Okay my dumb, but I bought a pair of designer boots that were described as "well worn" and "great condition, just need resoled." For the price, it was worth having them repaired. I did not know about these auctions, and I keep screaming silently in my head "Eeeww!" worried that the boots were shipped to me all sweaty and stinky thinking that I was a fetishest. I mean, I do kind of have a fetish, I have more shoes than I need and I still love adding designer shoes to my collection - but, preferably, clean shoes.
If someone can sell an old potatoe that resembles Jesus and someone else buys it for the use of using it as a sacred object, why not sell used socks for a sexual fetish. eBay IS for EVERYONE. We are a varied and wonderful world. I love eBay, it's filled with the weird, wacky and wonderful things the human race wants to buy and sell!
I would be blissfully ignorant of this fetish if my 13 year old son wasn't looking for "cheap socks" to make sock monkeys with. I had purchased two or three packages of new socks wholesale, but they were still more expensive than what he thought he could sell them for in the school "market". So he was looking for cheaper ones. Gee, thanks EBay.
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