Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coupon Giveaway - $550 in Free Grocery Coupons

I love my neighbors! They keep giving me their coupon inserts so I can pass them on to you! We get a special free paper on Thursdays with the same coupons coming in the following Sunday's paper. This week, I have 60 inserts to give away. (These are whole inserts not the clipped out coupons - so I hope you are friends with Edward Scissorhands!) These will be divided between 4 winners who will each receive 15 inserts each. Total value of each set of coupons is $550! The inserts are SmartSource 2/22, Vlassis 3/01, and P&G 3/01. Lots of good ones - $2, $3, $4, $5 and bogos.

To enter, just leave a comment below. For extra entries do any of the following:

Subscribe to my blog
Follow my blog
Post on your blog
Post on Twitter
Post on Facebook
Post on MySpace
Post on a forum or group
Stumble this post
Digg this post

Be sure to leave a comment for each extra that you do. If you love coupons like I do, check out these sites where you can print online coupons. By signing up, you get email alerts for new coupons each week. Many are $1 or more.


FreeFlys (coupons and free samples)

Happy Selling!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blogs. You have such wonderful tips

Anissa.Lynette said...

Wow!! I wish I had neighbors like yours.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
K Cunningham

Wilson Wonders said...

I subscribe

alexis said...

Love coupons! TY!

alexis said...

I'm a feed subscriber :)

shannon said...

i subscribe

shannon said...

i am a follower

Bovee Family said...

What a lot of coupons you have. That would be wonderful to win these!
thebovees449091 at yahoo dot com

Joy said...

Love the giveaway :) I can always use more coupons

Joy said...

Oh, and I'm already a follower

Teresa said...

I've been couponing almost 1 month now. I started the first of Feb. and I've already saved some. I would love to add to my coupon collection. It's sort of pitiful now, but I'm working on it!
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

I am happy to subscribe.
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

I am a follower too!
TRigell at aol dot com

Buki Family said...

i love coupons!
sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com

Saph said...

Wow! that's a lot of coupons! I would love to win some!

Saph said...

Just subscribed!!! :)

Nicole said...

I subscribe ndobesh (at) hotmail (dot) com

Saph said...

Just tweeted:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I would love extra coupons! I went to two grocery stores this evening and between the two I saved over $100 between my coupons and the store sales prices. Coupons always save me money and I appreciate that a lot! Thanks for being willing to share. :)

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your blog. I follow you on Twitter too. I'm going to try and find you on Facebook too! Thanks for the opportunity. :)

Anonymous said...

I posted you to my Facebook account. :) Can you tell I really want the coupons? LOL

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your giveaway, I buy for others so this would be a wish come true, with extra coupons!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up please!

NW Varneys said...

Don't get the newspaper, so I could definitely use these! Thanks!

Jen said...

I always need coupons! Thanks for the awesome blog!

Dorinda said...

I can always use more coupons!! I do love them so :)

Dorinda said...

I'm a follower.

Jen said...

I also subscribe to your blog. Thanks!

The Holdaway's said...

I love coupons!

The Holdaway's said...

I subscribe to your blog!

NW Varneys said...

I have also subscribed-- I am loving what I have read so far! Thanks!

mary said...

I subscribe to your blog(love it!!)

mary said...

Love reading your blog. Appreciate all the help.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a blessing this would be :) Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a blessing this would be :) Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

CouponCraze Mom said...

I really enjoy reading your blog and I have bought all your Hot Items books. These are great.

Emily's Family said...

I am a follower and I would love to be part of this giveaway.


Please add my name - this would be an awesome win :o)


Following :o)


I added your giveaway to my Current Giveaways link on my sidebar:


I Tweeted here:

Becky said...

Would love trying to build up my Qs!!!
I have a giveaway also if you'd like to enter.

Becky said...

Glad to follow also!

Becky said...

How are you chosing a winner and when will you chose?

Ginny said...

Great giveaway, I've missed a couple papers lately.

Ginny said...


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win some coupons :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I blogged about the giveaway :

Anonymous said...

I Tweeted the giveaway :

Anonymous said...

I Stumbled the giveaway post :

Anonymous said...

I Dugg the giveaway post :

Unknown said...

Man, I would looove to win 15 inserts!!! that would make my day!!

Anonymous said...

Love the coupon give-aways!

Anonymous said...

Twittered this!

Jill said...

I subscribed.

Anonymous said...

Yes, cover me in coupons. I was refering to myself as a coupon queen, after recently deciding to do the whole frugal thing. But I just found a new geek. My world seems to revolve around which store has the most items free. So far this week I've gotten 4 free bottles of excederin, 5 free colgate toothbrushes, 6 free rolls of Reynolds wrap, and8 free pouches of Starkist Tuna. It really is free money, not coupons your are giving away. That's why we are all lining up. Thanks, and here's hoping for more.

Jackie said...

We recently got back into ebaying and your blog has been so helpful. Thanks for this very generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Yayy hope I can win this one!

Unknown said...

Your blogs and facebook information is awesome! It inspired me to get selling some of our stuff on ebay!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great offer. I subscribe to your blog and am a friend of yours on Facebook.

Your info is just what I have been looking for. Thanks!

My daughter is starting an ebay coupon business. This would give her a great start if we could win your coupons.

Anonymous said...

Coupons are great - thanks for the giveaway!

frugalberrygirl at yahoo dot com

Niki said...

Yeah!! coupons!! Thanks for the give-away! I hope I win.

All About Jess said...

Thanks for the chance to win Suzanne! My mom friends and I have really been talking about doing more couponing lately. I shared this link with all my friends via facebook!

Anonymous said...

I could really use those coupons. I hope I win! :)

Anonymous said...

Boy those coupons would sure help around here ! I buy and cook for a family of 8.

mistinchad said...

I subscribe!

Betsy said...

Pick me, pick me...please!! Thanks so much. I appreciate your generosity (and your kinds neighbors...that is so awesome)!!!

lovinsanta said...

I would LOVE to win this...maybe I will be lucky this time.



lovinsanta said...

I subscribe to your blog as well.



Silversusan said...

More coupons.....gotta love ya! Thanks

Silversusan said...

I commented on Face Book for this! Thanks

Silversusan said...

I put a blog up on this at!

Silversusan said...

twittered this! thriftyrocks@twitter.

Seeking Serenity and Harmony said...


Seeking Serenity and Harmony said...

I shared it on facebook

Tamara B. said...

I really could use these coupons my box is depleated becuase of them expiring. Thnak-you for the giveaway.

Tamara B. said...

I am subscriber via email.

shannon said...

i blogged here

shannon said...

i love your blog

Anonymous said...

i really appreciate your hard work on this blog and how helpful it is!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the coupons. I'm trying to cut my grocery budget in 1/2 and these would help.

deguatmom at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed to your blog :)


Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog. Thanks for the useful info.

The Martin Family said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE these coupons. I've just started cliping coupons, and could use all the help I can get. :) Great giveaway!

The Martin Family said...

I subscribe to your blog! Love it!

The Martin Family said...

And of course, I'm a follower....

Kiwi in NC said...

Posted you to Facebook. Crossing my fingers!!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog and catch you on my facebook.Love all of the info you post. I ama mommy of 2 and with hubby,being the only income coupons really help me keep within budget!!i am a coupon clipping queen. gotta use those coupons.I would love to receive some coupons from you,they would really help out alot!!!Keep on posting such good info.

Unknown said...

I love coupons, hoping to win one of your batches, thanks!

Unknown said...

I now subscribe, thanks!

Dorinda said...

I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog:

Leland's Mama said...

What a great giveaway. Would love to win!

Leland's Mama said...

I subscribe

Leland's Mama said...


Leland's Mama said...

I gave this post a thumbs up on stumble. ID - bonafiderarity16

ABCD Diaries said...

wow! what a great giveaway! we live off coupons in our house:) thanks for the chance:)

ABCD Diaries said...

i follow:) thanks!

ABCD Diaries said...

i subscribe:) thanks!

Heather D. said...

I'm new to couponing, these would be great!

Heather D. said...


ilikehearts said...

Love coupons - can never have enough!

Anonymous said...

Just love this! I follow you on twitter and came here. This is the best and I have subscribed and even have it posted on my favorites to get the jump on reading it before it gets sent to me! Please enter me in your coupon contest. I'm LavenderLadyMe on twitter and email is

Kristy said...

Your neighbors sounds wonderful!


T Jones said...

I just want to thank you for offering so much useful information on this blog, and I would love to win the coupons as well.

Pat said...

I wish I had neighbors like yours! I subscibe via email and love your articles and tips....

Anonymous said...

I would love the coupons and love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog

Anonymous said...

I tweeted here

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your information.
I am learning all of your tips and tricks.


Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! I just found your blog thru twitaway and can't wait to read more! Thanks for the chance to win!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! I just found your blog thru twitaway and can't wait to read more! Thanks for the chance to win!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot commul

Unknown said...

I'm now following your blog
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I twittered

Meghan said...

I already sub, love your blog!!!

This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

lmkirb said...

Winning these coupons would be a huge help on my quest to building our stockpile.
Thanks so much for the chance!!

lmkirb said...

I'm subscribed through email!

Sarah said...

thanks for the giveaway! we can always use more coupons.

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Jennifer Irving said...

wow, I wish I had your neighbors!!!! I'd love to win this

Nicole said...

I've given up on coupons because I don't want to spend $2 a week on a newspaper to get the coupons. I would love to win this!

Kim said...

Love Coupons!!

Rhonda Martin said...

Look at all them coupons~! It's just like Christmas lol Free shopping ya gotta love it~! :)

Rhonda Martin said...

I'm following you. Can you see my shadow!?! lol

Rhonda Martin said...

I tweeted at twitter about your site and giveaway because a little bird told me to~!

Shauni said...

I have been using coupons for about nine months now, and have saved so much money. I would love to win!

Shauni said...

I subscribed.

Anonymous said...

I would so love to win this! It's getting harder and harder to get coupons in my rural area of Alabama so this would be such a big help to keep me going! I just subscribed to your blog, just found it and I LOVE it. I hope to post about your blog as soon as my website is up and running.

JACKIE14095 said...


Jen said...

I love practical giveaways!

Megan said...

thanks for the giveaway!

Megan said...

Awesome giveaway!

Megan said...

twittered! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!



Anonymous said...

I follow your blog daily!


Liza767 said...

i so wanna win this with 5 mouths to feed i can usea

Liza767 said...

i get newsletter

Liza767 said...

i follow you

Marla H. said...

Oh! I'd love to win this! I love love love coupons!!!!
mhode79 at gmail dot com

Shannon said...

I could use these! Thanks.



Unknown said...

What a great idea! My local paper barely has coupons.

KV Creative Designs said...

Count me in!!!

KV Creative Designs said...

I subscribe!!
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I received my coupons today - thanks again!!!

Penny G

Anonymous said...

I use coupons every week. Would be great to win.