Monday, August 11, 2014

6 Free Ways to Learn What Sells on eBay

I help a lot of new sellers get their start because I love helping someone understand how to use the resources around them to make money on eBay. A common question from new sellers just getting into the business is, “What sells on eBay?” Now, this isn’t an unreasonable question. We all started off at ground zero, with no idea of what would sell. But unlike when I started selling in 2003, there are many resources available to new seller to learn what sells.

The most important concept new sellers must grasp is that other sellers can only make suggestions. Hot selling items are a moving target on eBay as well as the brick and mortar marketplaces. For example, a few years ago, no one had even heard of hot sellers like Shopkins, Birthday Cake M&Ms, Nike Flyknit running shoes, Thrity-One handbags, and Rokus because they hadn’t been invented yet. On the other hand, items like Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments, The North Face clothing, Frye leather boots, and vintage Tupperware have been good sellers for decades.

What sells on eBay is constantly evolving. Here are a few free ways to stay on top of your picking game and stay informed of the latest trends on eBay.

1.    Visit for the best-selling products sorted by category. This will give you some ideas of where to start.

2.    Search completed listings for types products that you see often or find interesting. As a habit, for the last several years I have spent a minimum of 15 minutes a day studying eBay completeds. Put in random phrases like baby blanket, leather boots, backpack, vintage doll, collectible glass, or sewing kit and study the results. Sort by sold items, price+ shipping highest to lowest. You can learn brand names, look at the photos, and discover new great-selling items every day.

3.   Watch to YouTube videos. There are dozens of pickers who make videos. Find somebody you like who also shares their store name and shows their sold items. Visit their store and study what they sell and look at their feedback to verify they are an actual seller and practicing what they preach. (Hauls don’t really tell you much – anybody can fill up a cart at Goodwill and make a video. The proof is in the sold items.)

4.    Read and study Money Making Mondays on my Facebook Group. We have had this weekly thread where sellers share their finds since July of 2012 . There are usually over 100 comments a week where sellers share what they bought, how much they paid, where they bought it, and a link to the completed sold listing. You can learn a lot by paying attention to what other sellers do.

5.    Watch my Money Making Mondays videos here on YouTube.

6.    Listen to the Scavenger Life podcasts. Ryanne and Jay get a gold star for consistently putting out quality content on a regular basis. I don’t know how they have time for two 1-hour podcasts a week with having over 3,500 items in their store and everything else they do. Great to listen to while you are working.

If you are a super analytical person and want a tool for doing research, Terapeak has functions for studying hot items, trends, and other data to enlighten you. Try it for a month, see what you think, and determine if it is right for your unique business.

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