Monday, March 31, 2014

Free Resource for eBay Sellers - Collector's Weekly

One of the most frequent questions I hear from newer sellers about eBay is, "What can I sell?' I could take the rest of my life to answer that question because the answer is so broad and it changes from day to day. Some things will always be good sellers, others may fizzle out and it is time to explore new ideas.

A helpful and free resource that is beneficial to eBay sellers is Collector's Weekly. According to their website,

"Welcome to, a resource for people who love vintage and antiques. Our aim is to build a great place to explore, learn, and experience the passion and knowledge of collectors everywhere."

Collector's Weekly offers the following free information:

Top eBay auctions in over 1,400 vintage and antiques categories

Most "watched" items on eBay to help you get a feel for trends and what's popular
(Figure out what people want so you can sell it to them!)

Information on fashion, design, home, culture, machines, and collectibles

Informative Facebook page with over 23,000 likes

Pinterest page with thousands of vintage and collectible items

Sign up for a free account which entitles you to a weekly newsletter and the ability to post items for discussion

Collector's Weekly is an interesting site full of information to expand your knowledge of vintage or collectible items to sell on eBay or Etsy. And it is fun to look at!

Check out Collector's Weekly here.

Related articles:

Daily dose of eBay wisdom

Vintage items to sell on line

Learn to sell on Etsy

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